I worked with the acclaimed Linden Lab who are responsible for the long running Second Life.
I created and directed a series of launch videos using in game capture tools for a new product called Sansar.
ASK: Linden Lab required a 60-second spot to launch their new product Sansar.
DELIVERED: Game play and live action trailer with motion graphics and visual effects. 1 x 60 plus 3 x 30 second alternate versions.
Additional Content
Based on market research from the incredible TWOFIVESIX, I put together several creative concepts that were pitched to the client. This was refined and a selection was made. All work was outlined on a massive digital whiteboard.

I knew with a small budget I had limited options so used a very small stage and chose better camera and lighting options. Footage was captured in 4K/UHD B-RAW using 2 Blackmagic cameras.
Post Production
Editorial was done in Davinci Resolve which allowed a flexible workflow of compositing in Fusion and color grading in Resolve.
Nothing like a handwritten note of amazing thanks. Thank YOU Linden Lab!